A young boy with blond hair smiling, holding his cheeks with both hands, standing in front of a white background.

Infection Protection

Children are very curious and inquisitive, which can expose them to harmful bacteria. So, a strong immune system is crucial to keep them fit and healthy as they grow.

A close-up of a child's legs wearing rolled-up jeans and oversized black shoes, standing on wooden steps.

New adventures for the immune system

During this time of their lives, children are constantly experiencing new things and embarking on new adventures. New surroundings, new friends, new experiences - every day, children see and learn something new. As they make their way through school, their bodies are continuously confronted with new microbes.

Children's immune system often put to test when they start or change day care or school. The number of infections often increases during this tie, because sick children often do not stay at home and can infect other children. Children are in close contact with others, especially in kindergarten and the early years of school, making them more susceptible to adverse conditions. Parents can help by encouraging regular hand-washing, teaching children to keep toys out of their mouths, keeping children at home when sick to protect others, and supporting the child’s immune systemin autumn and winter seasons.

A young boy wearing denim overalls and a white shirt, holding a soccer ball, standing outdoors A young boy wearing denim overalls and a white shirt, holding a soccer ball, standing outdoors

Supporting their immune systems

It is now widely known that the majority of our immune cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, research in recent years has revealed that vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system in children. During the darker months, it is advisable to supplement vitamin D. According to the European Food Safety Authority the daily intake recommendation for children > 1 year and teenagers is 15 micrograms.


micrograms / day



Biegunka, definiowana jako występowanie więcej niż trzech luźnych lub płynnych stolców dziennie, jest jednym z najczęstszych problemów zdrowotnych dotykających dzieci na całym świecie.

Zdrowie jamy ustnej

Zdrowie jamy ustnej

Dbanie o zęby dzieci wydaje się czasem niemal nadludzkim wyczynem. Popularność dzieci w różnego rodzaju smakołykach, słodyczach i niezbyt powszechna chęć mycia zębów z pewnością nie pomaga w jego spełnieniu.

Sore Throat

Sore Throat

When we come down with a cold, we often have a sore throat. It is mostly a bacterial or viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. This is by far the most common illness in preschool children.