"Portrait of a confident young woman in workout gear standing outdoors with the sun setting behind her."

Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) – a sign of our times

When the bowel rebels painfully, the quality of life decreases significantly.

A woman in athletic wear stretches in a park with the sun shining through the trees.

What is IBS?

Firstly, this disease itself is very stressful, but not dangerous. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. 

It affects not only the large intestine, but the entire digestive system. Despite a thorough medical examination, no organic cause can be found for the, often, severe digestive problems. It is estimated that around 20 percent of the population in industrialised countries suffer from irritable bowel syndrome to a greater or lesser extent. Women are affected about twice as often as men–and stress even worsens the discomfort. 

Causes of IBS

Until a few years ago, IBS was often dismissed as «imagination», as there are no organic signs of a disease. However, it is now known that irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the bowel. 

The causes of this dysfunction are manifold:

  • Intestinal bacteria out of balance
  • Antibiotic therapies can trigger a lasting irritation of the gut. 
  • Disturbed and slower intestinal muscles movements 
  • The gut-brain axis: stress and other psychosomatic factors are suspected to possibly trigger IBS. 
  • Gastroenteritis or inflammation of the intestines: there seems to be an immune response in IBS that is associated with at least pain and diarrhoea, too.
A man in a blue athletic shirt standing outdoors, looking determined.

Experiencing IBS

IBS symptoms may occur in episodes and strongly interfere with the patients’ daily life and social functioning. Symptoms are also usually associated with food intake and defecation. 

The symptoms usually occur for the first time between the ages of 20 and 30 and often last for months or years. The use of antibiotics in connection with an intestinal infection can often be identified as a trigger. Typical symptoms of IBS include: abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhoea, or both, nausea, dyspepsia, heartburn

"A woman stretching her legs while smiling, bathed in the warm sunlight of a park." "A woman stretching her legs while smiling, bathed in the warm sunlight of a park."

How to deal with IBS

IBS has a major impact on the lives of those affected. However, there are a few things you can do to alleviate the symptoms or make the discomfort more bearable. 

A number of plants, herbs, and spices are valued not only for their flavour, but also for their healing properties. Caraway and peppermint have proven effective for flatulence or cramps. Chamomile, lemon balm and lavender are beneficial for the stomach and intestines and can be taken as tea or in the form of preparations. Papaya is considered a true miracle cure, as it contains important enzymes, essential fatty acids, and vitamins, making it a healthy all-rounder. It has a calming and digestive regulating effect on flatulence, abdominal pain, or constipation. Also, special probiotics, such as BioGaia Gastrus, can supplement the gut and stomach microbiome with beneficial bacterial. Please see a doctor if you experience persistent change in bowel habits or other signs or symptoms that can indicate a more serious condition.


Biegunki u dorosłych

Biegunki u dorosłych

Choć biegunka może być nieprzyjemna, to jest coś, czego dorośli doświadczyli przynajmniej raz. Dbanie o mikroflorę jelitową jest ważnym elementem domowej opieki nad biegunką.

Zdrowie jamy ustnej

Zdrowie jamy ustnej

Poświęcamy wiele czasu na dbanie o zęby, ale często zapominamy, że w naszych ustach znajduje się bogactwo naturalnej mikroflory, na którą również powinniśmy zwracać uwagę!



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