Smiling woman holding a happy baby, both dressed warmly in cozy clothing, against a neutral background.

What are Probiotics?

“Probiotic” means “for life”. It is a general term for a particular category of valuable live microorganisms. Read on for more info on these little helpers. 

Smiling parents looking lovingly at their newborn baby wrapped in a brown blanket Smiling parents looking lovingly at their newborn baby wrapped in a brown blanket

Probiotics means “for life”

Probiotic is a term used to describe inter alia good bacteria, as suggested by their name with “pro” meaning “for” and “bios” from the Greek for “life.”

To be considered a probiotic, a microbe must be live and have health effects proven in clinical trials. Probiotic supplement products, whether in the form of tablets or drinks, must contain the same bacterial strain(s) in the same dose as used in the given clinical trial. The most common types of microbes used in probiotics are lactic acid bacteria, such as Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis, found in BioGaia products.

Happy couple embracing and smiling at the camera, dressed warmly in casual outdoor clothing.

Probiotics – companions for life

Bacteria are part of us from birth, and our bodies seek to maintain balance among our gut bacteria every single day.

 However, this harmony can be easily be disturbed, especially in young children and newborns, leaving our bodies in need of help and support to colonize the gut flora, for example by taking probiotics.

But not all probiotic strains are the same. At BioGaia, it is our mission to provide the highest quality, most thoroughly researched, and safe probiotics for you and your children.

Smiling father holding a joyful baby dressed in a gray hoodie. Smiling father holding a joyful baby dressed in a gray hoodie.

Taking care of gut bacterica

In a perfect world, we would not need to take probiotics. We would receive our first dose during birth and then from our mothers’ milk, eat naturally fermented foods prepared in traditional ways, and live the “natural” life.

But in our fast-paced industrialized world, our digestive system is constantly bombarded with allergens, chemicals, and potentially harmful bacteria through our food and drink. Besides, sickness, certain medicines, bad eating habits, and of course stress can upset the balance of our gut flora, making it easier for harmful bacteria to thrive. By supplementing our diets with lactic acid bacteria, we can maintain the right number of bacteria constituting our normal microflora.

Znaczenie bakterii

Znaczenie bakterii

Probiotyki to dobre bakterie, które promują zdrowe jelita. Gdy są w równowadze, dobre bakterie bronią nasze ciała przed szkodliwymi bakteriami. Ale czasami potrzebują wsparcia, aby się rozwijać.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri

Limosilactobacillus reuteri

Produkty BioGaia zawierają żywe mikroby z probiotycznego szczepu Limosilactobacillus reuteri. Jeden z najlepiej przebadanych dostępnych probiotyków, jest zarówno skuteczny, jak i bezpieczny.

Zdrowie jelit i odporność

Zdrowie jelit i odporność

Oprócz tlenu, żywność jest niezbędna do życia człowieka. To nasz układ trawienny musi wydobyć z niej potrzebne nam składniki odżywcze, co nie zawsze jest łatwym zadaniem. W naszych jelitach toczy się nieustanna walka między dobrymi i złymi bakteriami.