Young mother in blue dress embraces her daughter

Bacteria, a prerequisite for life

Bacteria are one kind of microorganisms that are exceptionally important for human health. They were the first form of life to “populate” the Earth some four billion years ago, and still today they dictate the conditions for our existence.

Close-up microscopic view of probiotic bacteria, showing oval-shaped cells clustered together

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are microorganisms, or microbes, that can be found everywhere. Some types of bacteria even live in and on other organisms, such as humans.

As the first form of life to exist on Earth, they have dictated the conditions of our existence since the very beginning. Limosilactobacillus reuteris an example of bacteria that has evolved in symbiosis with humans. Today, we know that bacteria form an integral part of our body. While human babies are born almost sterile, bacteria quickly begin to colonize throughout their small bodies – skin, mouth, and most importantly gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria continue to grow in number and diversify until around the age of three. 


Bacteria and the human microbiota

Our bodies are home to an array of microorganisms called the microbiota, in which bacteria are the biggest players, making them essential for our health. New findings even suggest that we have twice as many bacterial cells in our bodies than human body cells. These bacteria are called the human microbiota and they are extremly essential for human health.

Often referred to as an organ in its own right, it is understandable that researchers are eager to understand more about the importance of the microbiota. While the numbers available are often inconsistent, new information claims that our microbiota contains around 40 trillion bacteria (400-4,000 different species), making up one to two kilos of our body weight and located mostly in the gut. So, it is clear to see why it is crucial to maintaining the adequate colonization of bacteria inside us.
Illustration of probiotic bacteria in an icon format, depicting several oval-shaped cells clustered together on a neutral background

Essential for life

Today we are aware of the benefits of bacteria for the body and the vital role they play for our health. Just as air, water, and food are essential for human life, so are bacteria. One key function is to support the immune system and protect us from disease.

Every day, the good bacteria inside us provide the first line of defense against bad bacteria, also known as pathogens. In doing so, they support and educate our immune system. Furthermore, they aid our digestive system and support the body in absorbing nutrients and producing vitamins such as B and K. Some studies even suggest that the good bacteria in our gut can affect our brain and mood.

Young woman sitting at a café table with a smartphone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, next to a plate of healthy food.

Gut health in modern times

Our lifestyle has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Modern ways of living with increased urbanization and changes to our eating habits have also triggered changes in our microbiota.

Lifestyle habits such as an unbalanced diet containing lots of processed food, coffee, and alcohol, or excessive exercise can all cause imbalances in our microbiota.

Equally, the use of antibiotics and other drugs, and obsessive hygiene can influence the microbiota by eliminating both bad and good bacteria. Birth by Caesarean section can also disturb the composition of microflora in the body of newborns. BioGaia products containing Limosilactobacillus reuteri have been developed to support the body’s gut flora and restore balance.
Czym są probiotyki

Czym są probiotyki

„Probiotyki” to ogólne określenie żywych mikroorganizmów, które są korzystne dla organizmu – niektórzy nazywają je nawet „przyjaznymi” bakteriami. Czytaj dalej, aby uzyskać więcej informacji o tych małych pomocnikach.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri

Limosilactobacillus reuteri

Produkty BioGaia zawierają żywe mikroby z probiotycznego szczepu Limosilactobacillus reuteri. Jeden z najlepiej przebadanych dostępnych probiotyków, jest zarówno skuteczny, jak i bezpieczny.

Zdrowie jelit i odporność

Zdrowie jelit i odporność

Oprócz tlenu, żywność jest niezbędna do życia człowieka. To nasz układ trawienny musi wydobyć z niej potrzebne nam składniki odżywcze, co nie zawsze jest łatwym zadaniem. W naszych jelitach toczy się nieustanna walka między dobrymi i złymi bakteriami.