A pregnant woman with dark hair, wearing a light cardigan and shorts, sitting on a bed and gently holding her belly while smiling in a bright, airy room

Pregnancy: A magical time – but not without its challenges

From the moment you found out that you were going to be a mother, you started to notice the changes happening in your body. As it adapts to carrying a new life, there will be some changes that you expected, some not so.



From the moment you found out that you were going to be a mother, you started to notice the changes happening in your body. As it adapts to carrying a new life, there will be some changes that you expected, some not so. But while all women hope they will benefit from thicker hair and that “pregnancy glow,” it can also bring some more unpleasant symptoms with it. Luckily, in most cases, there are plenty of ways you can make yourself more comfortable during this special time so that you can concentrate on the bond between you and your unborn baby.

Today we are going to take a look at some of the most common challenges, their causes, and ways to find comfort during pregnancy.


As magical as pregnancy is, hormonal fluctuations and the fact that a human is growing inside of you can cause you to experience digestive issues while carrying. For some, this begins with morning sickness (which isn’t necessarily in the morning, by the way) very early on in their pregnancy but for many – around 40% – gastrointestinal complaints arise towards the end. Some feel bloating and gassy in the afternoons and evening, or experience heartburn when they lay down to sleep. Others might not be as “regular” as they were before pregnancy and have hardened stools, making going to the bathroom an unpleasant experience.

While lifestyle – hydration, movement, and diet – can play a significant role here, it’s also important to think about the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. So, as well as drinking plenty of water, taking gentle exercise such as walking or yoga, and eating high-fibre foods like vegetables, fruits, and cereals, you could also consider taking probiotic bacteria. BioGaia Protectis drops and chewable tablets contain Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis, natural bacteria that are entirely safe for pregnant women and babies. Studies have also shown that Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis can increase the number of valuable bacteria in your gut.


Although most expectant mums would like to put their feet up with a cup of tea, the reality is that today’s mums still have a lot of balls to juggle while bringing their little one to term – work, other children, doctors’ appointments, prenatal classes, the list goes on. It’s easy to become run down during this time when you should be taking even more care of yourself than usual. As such, it is all the more important to do everything you can to support your immune system during pregnancy. 

It has been long known that around 80% of our immune cells are located in the gut. As such, your gastrointestinal tract forms the bulk of your body’s front-line defence against adverse conditions. But it might need some extra care during pregnancy when your immune system is in constant flux. Supplementing your diet with probiotics can help to increase the concentration of natural microflora  in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, researchers have long lauded the benefits of vitamin D for the immune system. Unfortunately, the amount of vitamin D we receive from exposure to sunlight is very much dependent, among other things, on our lifestyle, age, skin colour, the current season, and our geographical location. BioGaia ProTectis Chewable Tablets with Vitamin D contain a combination of Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis and vitamin D3, which provides support for your immune system, keeping you happy and healthy, so that you can enjoy this special time.


No matter how much you do to strengthen our immune system, we get sick sometimes, even supermums. If you happen to fall ill with a bacterial infection during pregnancy, antibiotics might be the only solution to get you back on your feet. If your doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics during pregnancy, it is essential that you supplement your microbiota while taking them. On a side note: Whether you are pregnant or not, antibiotics should only be taken on the advice of a medical professional and should be taken as outlined in the instructions provided. 

While antibiotics are very good at destroying or inhibiting the pathogens that make us sick, they are unable to distinguish between “harmful” and “harmless” bacteria. As such, they also inhibit the endogenous bacteria in your gut.Research has shown that probiotics are effective in colonizing the gut flora. As such, supplements containing live microbes like Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis can be taken alongside your prescribed antibiotics. These supplements work most effectively when taken two to three hours before or after a dose of antibiotics.


Another aspect that many women don’t think about until the time comes is oral health during pregnancy. During this time, hormonal changes cause the volume of blood in your body to increase. While this is a healthy and very normal part of being pregnant, it can affect gums and natural microflora in an expectant mum’s oral cavity, especially between the second and eighth months, with a possible peak in the third trimester. 

Since most bacteria enter the body through your mouth, it also provides the first line of defence. That is why it’s particularly important for pregnant women to practise good oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth twice a day and use a soft toothbrush to be gentle on sensitive gums, as well as flossing once a day. A healthy balanced diet rich in whole foods can also help to reduce the amount of sugary food you eat. Finally, make sure you visit the dentist regularly, they can help to spot small issues before they turn into larger problems.

As we mentioned before these changes to your body are a normal part of your pregnancy journey, but we hope that our tips will help to enjoy this magical time even more. It is important that you speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have during your pregnancy to receive advice tailored to your specific needs.


Since most bacteria enter the body through your mouth, it also provides the first line of defence. That is why it’s particularly important for pregnant women to practise good oral hygiene, eat a healthy balanced diet, and make regular visits to the dentist. You can also take steps to supplement the oral microflora. Studies have shown that certain lactic acid bacteria such as those found in BioGaia Prodentis can increase the number of valuable bacteria in the mouth.