A healthy oral and throat microbiome

Our bodies are continually exposed to bacteria and viruses, especially during the colder seasons or when the kids go back to school. With 80 percent of our immune tissue in our digestive tract, it’s an essential part of our body’s defense system. .

A healthy, balanced lifestyle and Vitamin D can help to support this natural process, as can fortifying your digestive tract with good bacteria. Take care of your gut and it will take care of you. 

Biogaia Pharax
Happy baby in a blue outfit being held by a smiling adult in a sunlit, autumn park, with another person walking in the background

Gut health and immune system

Our bodies are continually exposed to bacteria and viruses, especially during the colder seasons or when the kids go back to school. With 80 percent of our immune tissue in our digestive tract, it’s an essential part of our body’s defense system. A healthy, balanced lifestyle and Vitamin D can help to support this natural process, as can fortifying your digestive tract with good bacteria. Take care of your gut and it will take care of you. 

Gut Health & Immune System
Your personal bodyguard – the immune system

Your personal bodyguard – the immune system

The immune system is one of our organism’s mechanisms to protect us from adverse conditions. Within seconds of coming into this world, newborns are exposed to a wide range of microbes. From this moment on, their still immature immune systems begin to develop into an intelligent network of protection mechanisms. The first years of life are the most significant for this process, as the foundation for a normal functioning immune system is laid during this time and will accompany them for the rest of their lives.

Location of the immune system
of infants suffer from gut discomfort (colic)


of infants suffer from gut discomfort (colic)

As many as 26 percent of infants suffer from gut discomfort (colic), making it the most frequent reason for new parents to visit a paediatrician. Infant gut discomfort (colic) is defined as recurrent crying, mostly in the evenings – for at least three hours a day, at least three days a week, over a period of at least three weeks in a row. Our gut discomfort indicator can help you find out if your baby is suffering from gut discomfort (colic).

Gut discomfort indicator


Story about the five drops

We all know how difficult it can be to get a little one to take anything, even their food at times. Luckily, BioGaia Baby Drops are tasteless and can be given on a spoon, or even mixed into their milk or water. Just five drops a day provide the recommended daily dose of 100 million live Limosilactobacillus reuteri bacteria – that’s a lot of little friends a few drops!

Baby products
Good bacteria – proven by science Good bacteria – proven by science

Good bacteria – proven by science

Probiotics are good bacteria that promote a healthy digestive system. But not all probiotics are equal. BioGaia’s Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis is one of the most well-researched probiotics available. The regular publication of studies on L. reuteri in medical journals is testimony to its high scientific relevance. To date, the efficacy and safety of various BioGaia products containing different strains of L. reuteri have been demonstrated in:

  • 266 clinical studies in
  • 22,634people of all ages
Clinical Studies
Good bacteria – proven by science Good bacteria – proven by science

In harmony with nature and stomach discomfort

The probiotic Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis was originally isolated from the breast milk of a healthy woman who lived a life in harmony with nature in the Peruvian Andes, far removed from the chemicals and toxins of the industrialized world. The strain was then replicated at the highest level to retain its natural qualities. As such, L. reuteri Protectis is one of the few probiotic strains that can survive in the human gastrointestinal tract.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis
Happy gut for a happy body

Happy gut for a happy body

Our digestive system is something we don’t often think about, whereby it is our first line of defense against disease. When “bad bacteria” enters our bodies, be it in the food we eat or the air we breathe, it is encountered by an army of “good bacteria” in our gastrointestinal tract. So, a healthy gut is not just a question of nutrition but overall health and well-being; we can support our bodies here by upholding the balance of bacteria.

Importance of bacteria
Bond between mother and unborn child Bond between mother and unborn child Bond between mother and unborn child Bond between mother and unborn child

Bond between mother and unborn child

While pregnant a woman experiences an unparalleled bond between herself and her unborn child. New research shows that microbes could be transferred from the mother to the baby via the placenta. As such, BioGaia probiotics (Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis) can help to improve gastrointestinal balance for both the mother and baby – from pregnancy through infancy, and beyond.

Family Care
How quickly they grow How quickly they grow

How quickly they grow

Newborns come into the world with almost sterile stomachs but as soon as they leave the womb their digestive tract begins to get colonized with valuable bacteria. The infant’s gut microbiota development is affected by such factors as genetics, family environment, delivery mode, diet etc. Maintaining an adequate concentration of microflora microorganisms in the gut during the first year of life is of great importance because in this period it progresses towards an adult-type microbial profile. Supplementation of lactic acid bacteria might be needed also later on, as the microbiota continues to develop in early childhood before it finally achieves a relative consistency around the age of three.

Importance of bacteria
Balancing bacteria for well-being Balancing bacteria for well-being

Balancing bacteria for well-being

Our digestive system holds hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, making up a kilogram of our body weight. When in optimal balance, the “good” bacteria (probiotics) can defend us against infection and disease. But modern-day lifestyles (unbalanced nutrition, stress etc.) can disturb this balance, weakening our immune system. BioGaia (L. reuteri Protectis) can help restore harmony in our digestive tract, promoting overall health and well-being.

Importance of bacteria
Impact of tummy discomfort on children
Impact of tummy discomfort on children

Impact of tummy discomfort on children

Stomach discomfort can affect a child in many ways; they could feel unwell, worried, or tired. Not only is it the second most common cause of school absences, but it also impacts sleep, social activities, and family life. L. reuteri Protectis could help to supplement the intestinal microflora in children experiencing stomach discomfort.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis
Support good bacteria while fighting the baddies Support good bacteria while fighting the baddies Support good bacteria while fighting the baddies

Support good bacteria while fighting the baddies

In some cases, the prescription of antibiotics is unavoidable. The role of antibiotics here is to destroy the bacteria that are causing the illness. Unfortunately, antibiotics are unable to distinguish between “good” and “bad” bacteria, so they not only target the bad bacteria but the good too. As such, probiotics can help with the important task of supporting the digestive tract in restoring the balance when antibiotics are necessary.

What are Probiotics
Sometimes things need a little help… Sometimes things need a little help… Sometimes things need a little help… Sometimes things need a little help… Sometimes things need a little help…

Sometimes things need a little help…

Regular bowel movements in babies and toddlers are important for their overall well-being. But it can be just as uncomfortable for older children and adults, when bowel movements become infrequent. However, in most cases this is nothing to worry about. Including fiber-rich fruit, vegetables and cereal products as part of your or your child’s regular diet can support the natural process and get things moving, as can regular exercise and plenty of water. Supplementing the gut microbiota with lactic acid bacteria, such as L. reuteri Protectis, may also prove helpful during this time. 

What are Probiotics

Recent news

Here we bring you some of the latest developments in the world of intestinal microflora and digestive health. Read on to find out more.

The immune system – our 24/7 defence system

The immune system – our 24/7 defence system

In our bodies, a complex system of mechanisms comes together to defend them from the external agents they come into contact with daily. They provide around-the-clock protection no matter what we’re doing – 24 hours day, seven days a week. Collectively this defence and monitoring system is known as the immune system.